Social Justice

One year ago…

These were my initial reflections in the wake of George Floyd’s tragic murder and the aftermath of protests and shock on social media. In remembrance and honor of George Floyd. Working to stay engaged in the fight for racial justice, falling short, trying again…


Before you click

Ask yourself

Are you sharing information

Or gaining reputation?


Before you share


Do you really want to educate

Or just replicate?


Is the hashtag trending

Or merely trendy?

Do your words matter

To Black Lives Matter?


A chaotic swirl of raw emotion

In your big white bubble

Do you have a notion?


When the streets clear

Will you still be here?

When hashtags dissipate

Will you still fight hate?

Photo by munshots on Unsplash

Thanks for visiting my blog! I am the mother of two children, as well as a wife, teacher and writer. In sharing my reflections, I hope to empower other unbalanced moms as we navigate the joyful and overwhelming experiences of motherhood (and life).