
Shower Words

The words pop hot in my brain

as scalding water streams down

and soaks my brittle hair

The sentences sear through me,

they start to fuse together

One idea pierces my heart

and jumbles my insides with butterflies like caffeine

Vapor swallows me in hope but

Two babies bang their chubby hands

on the grimy glass door

The hot water sears my skin red

as I skip shampoo and shaving

Cries and shrieks eat up the words

Swallow them and spit them out

I try to pack them in gray folds for later

But they flop out and turn to mush

As mommy dripping grabs her babies, comb and clothes;

feeds and tends and loves and forgets.

Thanks for visiting my blog! I am the mother of two children, as well as a wife, teacher and writer. In sharing my reflections, I hope to empower other unbalanced moms as we navigate the joyful and overwhelming experiences of motherhood (and life).